Making Math Meaningful
Thank you, teachers, for the amazing job you are doing adopting the rigorous Eureka math program. Using Zearn has been part of that learning curve for you and your students. Zearn doesn’t exactly align with each of the lessons in Eureka math. However, it does provide lessons to teach math concepts to build a deeper understanding as students move through the lessons at their own pace of understanding.
We wanted to share a few ways teachers around the district are using Zearn to augment their math curriculum. One teacher uses Zearn to create an opportunity to teach her math lessons to a smaller group of students. While some students are engaged in Zearn on-line, she delivers the Eureka math lesson to the rest of the class, giving her the chance to give each student more individualized attention than if she were conducting the lesson whole-class.
Other teachers are using Zearn to flip the lesson. Before the lesson is presented in class, students watch the video and complete the intro activity. Using the data from the previous night’s activities, teachers are then able to differentiate their lesson for smaller groups of students, remediating those who are struggling, and providing a more challenging lesson for those who are ready for extended understanding.
Have another idea on how to use Zearn? We’d love to hear it so we can share it with others. Together we provide the best learning opportunities for all students.
Making Real Connections Through Reading
This year’s Global Read Aloud book for 2nd and 3rd grade is The BFG by Roald Dahl, Pax by Sara Pennypacker for 4th-5th grade, (however, BFG is also an option) and Orbiting Jupiter by Gary D. Schmidt for middle school classes. Over a six-week period, teachers read the book aloud to their class. TK-2nd grades read a different picture book each of the six weeks.
Once a year, teachers from across the country and across the globe take time to read aloud a book to their students, and then connect with another classroom to share thoughts, explore activities, and maybe even visit virtually through a face-to-face Google Hangout (GHO) or Skype call.

This year’s Global Read Aloud book for 2nd and 3rd grade is The BFG by Roald Dahl, Pax by Sara Pennypacker for 4th-5th grade, (however, BFG is also an option) and Orbiting Jupiter by Gary D. Schmidt for middle school classes. Over a six-week period, teachers read the book aloud to their class. TK-2nd grades read a different picture book each of the six weeks.
Once a year, teachers from across the country and across the globe take time to read aloud a book to their students, and then connect with another classroom to share thoughts, explore activities, and maybe even visit virtually through a face-to-face Google Hangout (GHO) or Skype call.
Last year, Todd Sinclair, 5th grade teacher at Oster, jumped into Global Read Aloud mid-project. His students got so much out of the project, that he spread his enthusiasm throughout his school site. This year, 95% of Oster teachers have been paired with another class. Together, they will read the book, plan one to share one activity and one GHO over the six-weeks.
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