“So much to do, so little time,” is most teachers' mantra during the school year. Summertime gives us time to relax and refresh, but also the time to dip into something new. Here are a few suggestions for things you might like to try.
Podcasts can be a great way to keep up on what is new in education. Whether you are doing chores around the house, getting some exercise, or driving, listening to a podcast is a good way to squeeze in some personal PD.
There are lots of podcasts that inform and entertain out there, and you may have some favorites already (share them on the Padlet below), however you may want to give a new one a try over the summer. You can find a number of interesting podcasts at Education Podcast Network. Two of favorites are:
The Cult of Pedagogy hosted by Jennifer Gonzalez. Podcasts cover a number of topics in education, including instruction, classroom management, and technology.
Check This Out is hosted by Brian Briggs and Ryan O’Donnell. They chat about the latest in education news, often including the newest Google tools, and talk about creative ways to integrate new ideas into your classroom.
Bedley Brothers hosted by Tim and Scott Bedley interview leaders in education to talk about “what works” in education.
If none of these pique your interest, here is a Podcast Directory with lots of suggestions in and out of education.
Listening to a podcast episode is easy from your smart device or computer. If you decide you like one and want to subscribe, there are a few options, partially dependent on which device you would like to subscribe to the podcasts on. This guide will walk you through the steps.
Other way to keep up with what is new and a way to get great ready-to-use ideas is through blogs. When you find a blogger you really connect with, it is fun to read their musings, thoughts, and ideas. Todd Sinclair, fifth grade teacher at Oster, shared some of his favorites.
Blogs can be delivered to you by email. Check each website to subscribe.
Familiar and comfortable with Twitter and ready to grow your PLN(Personal Learning Network)? Summer might also be a time to check into Twitter Chats. With the large list of chats, you are sure to find one in your interest area and/or that fits into your schedule, anytime, day or night.
Many people who participate in a Twitter Chat will use a tool like TweetDeck to follow the hashtag and be able to respond quickly. Learn more about how to manage it here.
If your favorite podcast, blog, or Twitter Chat was missed, please share it here in this Padlet.